
Can You Help Us?

In just over one month, Benny Wenda and the West Papuan leadership need to fly to New York for the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to continue their crucial work pushing the West Papuan issue onto the international agenda.

Working with the Republic of Vanuatu, the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) will be meeting key representatives to solidify support from states across the world, working towards a UN General Assembly motion in September 2020.

They need your help getting there.

So much progress has been made on a shoestring. Indonesia is running scared, working overtime to sabotage the ULMWP's progress in the Pacific as we write. We face the resources of the fourth most populous state on Earth - but we're winning.

Benny Wenda needs your support to send the ULMWP delegation to New York, so they can continue their successful diplomatic strategy and build more support for the West Papuan struggle.

Your contribution, small or large, would make an enormous difference.

However, the ULMWP faces a continual struggle to find the funds to attend crucial meetings and events around the globe; a monthly contribution of £10 can support Benny and his team to continue their vital work.

We ask you to keep this strictly confidential. Thank you so much.
