Let op: deze boekbespreking komt uit pro-indonesische bron.
bookreview tenggelamnya rumpun melanes (The Unitary State of Indonesia’s Political Struggle in West Papua), written by young author Papuan Sendius Wonda SH, MSi, and published by Deiyai, a Jayapura-based publishing house in 2007 (first edition) which consists of 245 pages totally in 2007.
This book has ever attracted to attention of public after its circulation was banned by the Attorney General's Office.
The books which being printed by Galang Press printing house, Yogyakarta has been packed pretty enough as books published by the foremost publisher. Choosing agitated title, hopefully it will generate the interest of public to read it. To be similar with its title, its chapter and sub chapter were also quite agitated and tendentious towards political issues developing in Papua.

Using his tedious converse style and he often repeats the same statement with a view to convene readers that indigenous Papuans have been marginalized in their mother land. (see p. 54-55). Sometimes, he also quotes some articles from Al Kitab to support his statements. The writers also bring problem not only into racial but also religion issues. Even, the writer expressly applies sentence "Why can some mosques be built in Papua without resistance?" as one of sub chapter in this book (see p.53). Strong SARA sentiment in the book is a reason to prohibit the circulation.

Regrettably, there is no concordance between the titles and contents of book. When the writer chooses the title, contrary to the fact that we see a lot of Papuans who got achievements in national level such as Freddy Numberi who took military's top job and could be promoted to be Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Papuan-born George Saa could win International Olympic in Science, Nobo enjoyed the best four of Indonesian Idol and Persipura Jayapura won the Indonesian Football League in 2007, et cetera. Based on quantitative research, it is unproven that the Melanesian race is sinking. According to Bureau of Statistic Center (BPS) the number of Papuan original inhabitants always increase from the year to the year.

This book is apparently aimed to develop the racialist sentiment, in this case the Melanesia race towards the Malay race. Some facts mentioned in the book are not studied comprehensively and have the strong tendency to support the writer's opinion on Papuan genocide systematically. His Law graduate background could not be seen in his composition. For example, it is said "the spread of infectious disease such as HIV/AIDS through non Papuan prostitutes (Melayu) have been positively organized by the Indonesia government...(see p.19) "But, the writer has failed to prove his statements due to lack of supporting sentences.

Another example is statement on p. 35 "the trickery of the Indonesian government is through liberation of liquor circulation in Papua including remote areas..... is the effective weapon to annihilate Melanesian people in West Papua….” Of course, the statement really misleads because circulation of liquor in other regions in Indonesia have never been considered as ethnic cleansing. Based on international law, liquor is not categorized as one of genocide modus operands. Again, the writer could not prove the existence policy of ethnic cleansing which systematically used through liquor circulation.

It is also regrettable that the book does not mention the biography of the writer. Aside from safety reasons of author, without mentioning himself has made less substantial. The most serious problem is the writer doesn’t provide the preface including the statement to freely criticize towards his book.

Finally, the readers has their rights to make their own assessments. When they just want to know “pouring Papuan-born’s heart (Melanesia group) against Melayu”, this book likely can give enough information on that. But, if you want to get a comprehensive reading on Papua, this book was not recommended. Supported by only 10 bibliographies is far from comprehensive and scientific analysis.