Dear all,
Indonesia government ignore Papua People's Assembly/Majelis Rakyat Papua (MRP) Letter No.14 regarding   all positions  in  local government, Company, etc. in Papua and West Papua must indigenous people of Papua and not Indonesia people, this is accordance with   Law No.21/2001 about Special Autonomy for Papua. But what happen? Indonesia government ignore the letter of (MP).MRP feels that Indonesia did not support the Special Autonomy so special autonomy has failed.

On last  June 9 -10,2010   MRP  held meeting with  both  local government  of  Papua Provinces,local house representatives, all components, Collective Leadership, Leaders of Papua Church, NGO and indigenous people for participated in  meeting in MRP's Office in Kota Raja Luar Jayapua Papua. More then 2,000 Participants were  participated  in that  meeting. By unanimously  express that Special Autonomy has failed and MRP  must bring back it to Jakarta because Indonesia never respect, appreciate and recognize us. The main decision of the meeting as follows:
1. Special Autonomy has failed
2. International level dialog  between Papua and Indonesia
3. Referendum under control  United Nations
4. Independence than Referendum
5. Indonesia withdraw its Military from Papua
6. We reject Trans-migration and Migration in Papua
7. Third Papua Congress  to be held soon for elect Papua Leader and establish  National body
8. Boikot Indonesia in Papua
9. We appoint 20 persons who formulate  all results and will give to MRP  and  on  Wednesday, June 16,2010 MRP  will do plenary and  it will bring back Special Autonomy to Jakarta with Local government and House Representatives
will give you complete report on Wednesday,  June 16, 2010.On June 12,2010 in Guest House Jayapura  Collective Leaders of Papua will  held special meetings
Regards Yoab Syatfle Secretary of Papua National Consensus Team+6281344564159