Source inside West Papua speaks of Indonesia military abuses



Pacific Scoop:
Unabridged Account – From a source inside West Papua.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This account is courtesy of West Papua Media Alerts organisation and describes how the Indonesian military and police are restricting the free movement of West Papua’s people and committing acts of violence, apparently designed to control the population.

Pacific Scoop publishes this account unabridged so readers can hear, virtually first hand, from a civilian West Papuan about what is happening inside this country. Independent journalists are discouraged by Indonesian authorities from reporting inside West Papua. Those who do so must be registered with the authorities and strict controls over their movements are enforced.


Latest statements and conditions of violence against torture by Indonesian Military in Puncak Jaya.

From a source inside West Paupa.

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

Mulia City , June 11, 2010


That since March to current conditions in the Puncak Jaya regency increasingly tense over the Indonesian military presence both army / police. Along the road from the capital city of Honor Kab. Puncak Jaya towards Illu Tingginambut up to the district and along the road from town to Yambi noble district where the place / location Werius telenggen murder a day – the day until this day is still tense.

Society has no freedom to do daily activities to meet the needs of everyday life in glorious peak district in general and in particular the district and village Tingginambut Yambi noble district (capital of Puncak Jaya). They increasingly feel insecure. The sound of gunfire in the city ujuk noble and military power amid a glorious city daily sight. Military did not come to protect the public but press, mengintimindasi and kill innocent civilians in the town of Puncak Jaya regency.

Civilians passing along the road from the District through Tingginambut Illu and Mulia district through the District of Tingginambut with Illu District goals are very insecure because along the way it has dominated and well occupied by the Indonesian military TNI and police personnel (BROMOB) nor may the Lord toward the city district to Yambi also the same thing so that the space for civil society both top civil servants victorious society is very limited and all the people living in ketakukutan peak Jaya. Ordinary people are now shouting from the gardens of Susa and all forbidden.

B. Some Human Rights Violations Against Done By People’s Indonesian Military Civilian In Puncak Jaya.

    1. All the people passing through a military post along the road should be compulsory and mandatory check Report Identity Card Indonesian Citizen ID card, if not found immediately detained and tortured in a variety of questions and then press and intimidate. Majority of village folk who do not understand Indonesian properly so that when the military firmly so nervous, and one happened to answer the question of torture, the military against civilians into the daily activities of the Indonesian military in Puncak Jaya

    2. If the examination to get the Mirror or Glass front then immediately arrested and tortured the people who was caught carrying a mirror, because the reason for bringing the mirror is given a specific code to TPN / OPM

    3. too many people were caught by members of the OPM and the reasons are too many people get tortured.

    4. All the civilians in the District Yambi all mengunsi sinak, Agandugume, and Ilaga Peak district of Papua and other villagers went to the district Majesty Towogi whereas those from the district Tingginambut all fled to forests and more run to Kuyawagi astir, Tiom, Lani District Jaya and others survive in the forests due to military operations that destroyed their homes.

    5. Yarmukum Village and consists of two Church of the Church and the Church Yarmukum Pilia House residents burned as many as 12 House Honai and Healthy One house church in Gwenggu Pilia Brimob this is done.

    6. One House Church in Kayogwebur district GIDI Tingginambut made POS Military BRIMOB and to this day the Church does not worship in churches that were expelled and became the headquarters of the Mobile Brigade, and they’ve ruined buildings Church

    7. In the district of Kampong Tinggineri Tingginambut there was a pregnant woman was raped by Brimob

    8. On December 9 and 10 June there was a young man from tiom that come and visit family in the village of Honor distik Guragi ago TNI arrested and tortured for two days at the Post Peak smile and then the date of 11 entries diesel Puncak Jaya Police. Security officers arrested the Blind Pig Civilians and held without evidence.

    9. Puncak Jaya district police have been intimidating and penekakan against civilians as well as extortion against civilians modus is: all good men Rev., Public Servant of the Lord Ordinary, who caught images taken from where lalau give a time limit before the date of July 28 should be able to report myself and throw out each photograph in a way memabayar 1 million rupiah, or bring some chicken tail after that it started to menghapukannya being conducted by the Puncak Jaya Police until today.

    10. In Pos Nalime Tingginambut District Residents were forced by the military to Make Soccer Field. All residents who were there every day working Payer. This field is not a real ball field but the field for landing HELKOPTER Indonesian military to conduct pursuit TPN / OPM Dimarkas Defense Goliath Tabuni. The distance between the Field which is prepared to base the TPN / OPM is only 2 KM

    11. City residents have over 8 hours must not be caught out at night when out 12. On this day June 11 at 17:00 to 18:00 Date Brimob conduct examination civilians in the town of Mulia If no ID card immediately handcuffed and detained at the Police there are some people claiming that their money was also confiscated by security.

C. Here are some facts Torture And Those Who Have Torture Testimony.

On Monday, May 31, 2010 date was a citizen Named D Morib subjected to torture. Chronology is as Berikur: I already report this to the previous post, but on Monday, that date my sister named joint long bath in the river caught a Few Nagarak apparatus is out of the river is catch and intimidate them by asking, Where you from? if you did not know there should not be multiplied by passers-by, then in beaten soaked in water so that the D.

This Morib ago menhampiri kakanya not accept them and say this is my brother so do not PM. But answer me this one was also arrested by the Military at the time and told me that you are an aide Goliath Tabuni TPM / OPM and this You’ve dragged our two kebali in the times that we soak the head in the river and barrel tindis our shoes for one hour after We ordered out and the road jongkon grasp with both hands on the back dileher.

Our bones, waist and head, we’ve kicked with a shoe until virgin-virgin spines and swollen eyes I do not look into the POS Until the Armed Forces in the Gurage of Hours 11 noon to 6 hours disuru afternoon our new home and I came home this time was normal again already one week stay at home menedrita. So every post along Tingginambut really scary.