Bintang Papua, 16 June 2010

Referendum discourse intensifies
Mass Papuan strike planned for Friday

Discussions about a referendum held by the MRP have now come to
fruition. Although the eleven recommendations adopted by the MRP and the
Papuan people have not yet been made public, the words writ large on the
banners say it all: 'Referendum is the best solution for the Papuan

The plenary session which took place on Wednesday was attended by all
components of the Papuan people and adopted eleven important decisions
which are due to be presented to the DPRP (Papuan Provincial Assembly)
on Friday this week, in order to be discussed by the DPRP.

The statement by the chairman of the MRP, Agus Alua was brief.and was
followed by speeches from representatives of various components of the
people, agreeing to postpone the presentation of the decisions to the DPRP.

'This is a fundamental decision for the future of the Papuan people,
which is why it will be presented by the entire Papuan people,
regardless of the risks. So we decided to present it on Friday which is
when we will all take it to the DPRP,' said Salmon Yumama, speaking on
behalf of all the components of the people.

At first, many people were angry to hear about the postponement but
after being told why this was being done, they calmed down. Yumama,
speaking as the chairman of the Democratic Forum of the West Papuan
People, explained that it was decided that postponement would ensure
that it came from all Papuans everywhere, including those who are now

Markus Haluk, chairman of AMPTPI called on all Papuans to come together
in the struggle to free themselves from the yoke of obliteration which
was the deliberate intention of the Special Autonomy Law 21/2001 - OTSUS.

'Remember it's Friday, and pass on the word to all Papuans everywhere.
We will conduct a peaceful march from the MPR to the DPRP, so as to
ensure that no one can say that this is only on behalf of just a handful
of people, just Papuans in the mountains or just Papuans along the
coasts. We will show that since long ago, the Papuan people have been
united,' said Markus, speaking through a microphone at the MPR.

Others were also present such as Rev. John Baransan. Speaking with a
very loud voice, he said that OTSUS had failed to bring prosperity to
the Papuan people. OTSUS was no solution for the Papuan people, it was a
form of modern-day murder.

'We are not just a handful of people and we must therefore show that the
entire Papuan people will take part in this action. On this day, we will
all join together.'

The secretary-general of Dewan Adat Papua (Traditional Peoples Council)
Leo Imbiri, told the press that the action planned for today had been
postponed, and the committee has not yet sent notification to the
police. 'We dont want the Papuan to be forever clashing with the
security forces and this is why we will submit a notification to inform
the police, but will not be asking for permission,' said.

DPRP disappointed

Members of the DPRP were disappointed to hear that the decision for a
demonstration to go to the DPRP building had been postponed, by the MRP.
They had been holding themselves ready since early morning to receive
the mass of demonstrators who would be presenting the aspirations of the
Papuan people in support of MRP Decision 14/2009 [which states that all
top governmental positions in Papua should be held by indigenous
Papuans]. The deputy chairman of the DPRP, Yunus Wonda, had been waiting
for hours, along with other DPRP members, to receive the demonstrators
from the MRP.

The chairman of the elections committee of the DPRP, Ruben Magay was
anxiously waiting for all the guests as well as representatives of the
government. 'I will not move because I want to be here to receive the
aspirations of the people being presented via the MRP.' he said. Another
member of the DPRP, Albert Bolang had to postpone a meeting with other
people in order to hold himself in readiness to receive the aspirations
of the people, through the MRP.