Jakarta: Several resident of Serui in Yapen Island north of Papua reportedly remained unaccounted for a day after powerful quakes rocked the region on Wednesday, while survivors in remote areas were left without relieve aid, especially shelters.

Local official in Sambrawai village in North Yapen District Timotius Sinabu said on Thursday (17/6) night at least eight people missing after the quake. He said there were eight people en route from Serui the seat of the Yapen Warope Regency back to their area and have not reported since the quakes struck.

In Serui, Third Assistant to Yapen Waropen Regional Secretary Alex Kriseo said there were at least 12 remote district remained isolated after the quake as relieve team from the regional governemnt.

Alex said most houses on the coastline were toppled or heavily damaged and many residents have to stay in makeshift shelter without medicines, as damaged roads prevented emergency team from reaching the areas through land. He said about 98 thousand resident live in the areas.

“We need tents, we also in trouble of finding relieve food, that's why we are raising assistance from local business.” Alex said there has been no aid from Papua Provincial Government by Thursday evening.

Three powerful quakes measuring 6.2, 7.1, and 6.6 on the richter scale struck northen Papua on Wednesday at about 12 noon am local time (+9GMT), within less than one hour. Devastating impacts reported in the tiny island and no report of such destruction from the northen coast of the main island of Papua.