The group reportedly did not hesitate to go into the city and strike a series of shootings
Senin, 28 Juni 2010, 18:21 WIB
Elin Yunita Kristanti
  (VIVAnews/Banjir Ambarita)

VIVAnews - Papua’s Puncak Jaya is still being cautious of possible strikes from an armed group, which is allegedly the OPM.

During the visit of Papua Deputy Governor Alex Hasegem to Puncak Jaya’s capital city Mulia on June 28, a special joint unit of the Indonesian Military (TNI) and the police were guarding the Mulia airport.

A similar level of security was also assigned along the roads passed by the guests.

Puncak Jaya Police Deputy Chief Comr. Jefry Dian said the guard was on to prevent attack from the armed group.

“There was a unit of joint force put at the airport and another one in the city. That was to anticipate possible action of the group,” he said.

According to him, as long as the group still heavily armed, Puncak Jaya will remain threatened.

“There have been eight firearms confiscated plus the weapons they had beforehand.  They could certainly attack anytime”.

The group reportedly did not hesitate to go into the city and strike a series of shootings.

“They came not only to villages, but also cities by dressing as civilians. We have to be cautious of such action”.

The geographical condition of Mulia, which is surrounded by mountains, has been a challenge to the officials in pursuing the suspects.

“It’s really hard for us to go after them because they could easily hide behind the mountains”.

According to VIVAnews’ observation, the police and military personnel conduct patrols while bringing along a complete set of weapons. They were also seen wearing a bulletproof vest although the patrols were carried out downtown.


Coverage by: Banjir Ambarita| Papua
Translated by: Nataya Ermanti