VIVAnews - PT Freeport’s employee bus was shot from the mountains around 12.09 PM on July 7. The Iveco Trakker vehicle with the hull number of 140203 was allegedly shot while passing Mile 28 at Freeport’s area in Tembagapura, Papua.

The bus’s left, right and front windows were broken but nobody was injured in the incident.

Papua police Comr. Wachyono said the shattered windows were not caused by gunshots. “There’s no shooting. The windows just suddenly broke,” he said on July 7.

Wachyono explained the incident began when 12 buses were heading from Tembagapura to Timika in line. As soon as they arrived on Mile 28, the bus driver heard a click sound from the creek on the left and a hole was later seen on the bus’ left door window. The glass on the driver’s left was also broken.

Police members, who were on the bus guarding the employees, took an immediate action. “After they heard suspicious sounds, they broke the glasses and fired shots towards the mountains, where the implosions were allegedly coming from”, Wachyono said.

He also said the scene had been raked and several witnesses have been questioned. “We’ve questioned two people, employee Bico Rumbapuk and police official Briptu Andi. According to them, an implosion was heard once”.

However, he continues, a conclusion drawn from the investigation states no shootings occurred. Freeport areas remain secure and under control. The bus is currently being hold as evidence.

Coverage by: Banjir Ambarita | Papua
Translated by: Nataya Ermanti

• VIVAnews

Source: VIVAnews