A chartered plane carrying five passengers skidded off a runway upon landing at a remote airport in Papua on Friday. There were no injuries.

Papua Police Spokesman Sr. Comr. Wachyono told The Jakarta Globe that the incident involving a Cessna Grand Caravan operated by Premi Air occurred because of fog and a slippery runway at Kabagma Airport in Central Mamberamo.

“During landing, the pilot couldn’t brake ... because the runway was slippery,” Wachyono said.

Wellem Yobi, deputy head of Central Mamberamo district, said the plane had taken off from Wamena in the Papua highlands.

“When the plane was about to land, it skidded off the runway because the runway was slippery and there was thick fog,” Wellem said.

A few hours before the incident, the chartered plane had made a safe landing at Kobagma airport after taking off from Jayapura.

“From Jayapura, the plane landed safely. The incident happened on the second trip from Wamena,” Wellem said.

He said the plane was scheduled to return to Jayapura to pick up Papua Governor Barnabas Suebu.

The plane broke its propeller during the crash.