Dear Friend of West Papua,


Benny Wenda was interviewed in a feature last night for ITV Meridian News
on David Cameron’s unexpected popularity thousands of miles away in West

Following a meeting between Benny Wenda and David Cameron last year, set
up through one of Cameron’s Witney constituents Madeleine White, West
Papuans have been hopeful that he will listen to their cries for help and
support their right to self-determination.
ITV’s Reshma Rumsey visited Benny and Madeleine to talk about how this
meeting came about and West Papua’s hopes for David Cameron. See the
feature here:

This coverage is wonderful news for the campaign and, as awareness of West
Papua’s situation is growing amongst the public, it is essential that we
keep up the pressure on the government to do something about it.

PLEASE write to your MP asking them to write to the Foreign Secretary
William Hague reminding him of the hopes the West Papuans have for the new
government, an asking what action he plans to take towards achieving
self-determination for West Papua.

Thankyou for you support.

Best Wishes,
The Free West Papua Campaign