After a decade of implementation, the central government plans to thoroughly evaluate the special autonomy for Papua next year, an official says.

Director of regional administration and special autonomy at the Home Affairs Ministry, Sumarsono, said the central and Papua governments would determine parameters of the review.

"In 2011 we will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of Papua`s special autonomy which was granted in 2001. The parameters of the evaluation are now being prepared," he told a discussion on special autonomy in Bandung on Saturday

Article 78 of Law No.21/2001 on Special Autonomy for Papua states that implementation of the law shall be evaluated every year, with the first evaluation conducted three years after the inception of the law.

Sumarsono said the government had regularly evaluated the special autonomy through the directorate general of regional financial administration supervision, but the review was limited to physical and financial aspects.

The comprehensive evaluation would cover all fields, including the implementation of regional administration, finance and accountability of performance. It would not only involve the ministry of home affairs but also other ministries, he said.

Under the special autonomy, the central government has poured around Rp 28 trillion into Papua since 2001. Starting from 2009, the special autonomy funds have been split between Papua and West Papua.

The provincial governments receive 40 percent of the funds, with the rest going to regency and municipality administrations across the Papua land.