National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Edward Aritonang confirmed Thursday the video showing a prisoner lying in a jungle with his abdomen sliced open allegedly by a bayonet was intentionally made.
“As a legitimate action, the arrest must be documented,” Edward told journalists at the National Police Headquarters in South Jakarta.

Edward said he did not know how the video could appear in YouTube and for what motive it was posted.
The prisoner is identified as Yawan Wayeni, a military trainer of Free Papua Organization (OPM) separatist rebel overseeing Yapen regency.
“The man was initially arrested by officers from Papua Police. He was convicted and sentenced to nine years in prison but he fled after serving only the first year in Serui Penitentiary,” Edward
However, Edward declined to confirm if the officer used a bayonet to slice Yawan’s stomach.
“After fleeing the prison, he was hunted down by the police.
“When caught, he attacked police officers using a hand-made gun. Police responded and he was shot down.
“He refused to be brought to hospital and instead screamed: ‘Freedom Papua! Freedom Papua!
“Officers admitted him to the hospital but he died on the way,” Edward explained.
Yawan was convicted of vandalizing several Indonesian Military (TNI) posts and vehicles, armed robberies and torturing employees of PT Arta Makmur.
The police also found that the bullets in Yawan’s gun were of the Indonesian Police and TNI standard. “We are now investigating how he obtained the bullets,” Edward said.