John Ibo: Otsus shambles

Dear all,

The representatives of the people of Jayapura in Papua was not quite satisfied with the amendment of the Special Autonomy Law (Otsus) Papua No. 21 Year 2001 into Law Number 35 Year 2008.

To that end, the DPRP plans to do the lawsuit through the judicial review (test material) to Mahkmah Constitutional Court (MK). Currently, the DPRP also has appointed Legal Advocacy Team, chaired by Bambang Wijojanto, an advocate who had initiated his career in Papua. Chairman of Commission A DPRP, Ruben Magai, SIP, said a judicial review of the Special Autonomy Law No. 35 Year 2008 is already on the agenda which will be championed by the DPRP to the central government. "It has become our agenda. And still going to Jakarta, because the contract was made with the Advocacy Team, Bambang Wijojanto SH," said Ruben Magai when found in space DPRP Democratic Faction, Tuesday (24 / 8).

Asked when filing a judicial review of the plan is realized? Ruben Magai said that it will be done after all the discussion of the local budget process for Fiscal Year 2011 runs till ratified beforehand, because it is a specific agenda to be submitted to central government.

Ruben said that in implementing the special autonomy law, properly implemented all parties with a genuine and consistent. "Either way, if we are consistent in implementing the Special Autonomy Law, the central government must be responsive to the DPRP plans to conduct a judicial review of the Papua Special Autonomy Law," he said. Still, Ruben said, plans to apply for judicial review is not a new discourse, but discourse after he had served as Chairman of Commission A of the DPRP and the DPRP already two times facing the central government to provide advice and input related article 7 of Law No. 21 Year 2001 which was omitted in the changes became Act No. 35 of 2008 is.

Ruben question who precisely which eliminates a point of article 7 of the gubernatorial elections conducted by the DPRP is in change of Act No. 35 of 2008 is. "And, the question today, who disappeared it on purpose?, What importance to this day unclear," he said. 

Ruben said that the Commission has submitted to the DPRP A Menkopolhukam, Ministry of Home Affairs and Minister of Justice and Human Rights and the House of Representatives, because the entrance was the implementation of the Special Autonomy Law is located at a point of article 7 of Law No. 21 Year 2001. 

According to him, when the gubernatorial election conducted by the DPRP, provide
reinforcement in order to function in a supervisory DPRP development in Papua in a year.
And, by itself, the governors will be accountable Accountability Report (LPJ) in accordance with the mandate of the Special Autonomy Law, no longer a description Accountability Report (LKPJ) governor, who for 10 years running budget reported in the form LKPJ so DPRP only got the description, even though DPRP found on the ground that the issue of DPRP only give notes to the governor and the governor also followed up to SKPD concerned, finally in the process of supervision until he is found accountable for the project there was an error experienced weakness.

"Governors want to follow up or not, depending on the governor, so far DPRP assess public views, because of the weak in the system and rules of supervision," he said. To that end, firmly Ruben Magai, to encourage the implementation of special autonomy law in a genuine and consistent in Papua, have begun to change through the DPRP gubernatorial elections and therefore the article 18 of Law No. 21 Year 2001 concerning LPJ will run, so that the function of supervision and control of the House that the stronger and parallel to the executive.

"Over the years, executives like to think we as a SKPD and they can control us and in fact it's upside down," he added. (Bat / FUD / fuz / jpnn)