VHRmedia, Jayapura – Members of theNational Committee of West Papua (KNPB) staged a demonstration to demand for political freedom on Wednesday (9/1).
On this demonstration, the KNPB also urged the United Nations to involve in dispute between Papuan people and the Indonesian Government.
A spokesperson for KNPB Mako Tabuni said that the United Nations must discuss problems in Papua during their annual assembly on next September, 3.
“Our agenda is to call for referendum for Papua. We stage this demonstration to support a discussion about Papua on the United Nations forum, in order to fight for freedom for the Papuan people,” Mako Tabuni emphasized.
The Papuan Legislative Council (DPRP), according to Tabuni, has authorities to fight for political freedom for the Papuan people.
“KNPB will send its recommendation to the DPRP to be followed up by the Indonesian Government. This recommendation contains of urging for the Indonesian Government to hear aspiration from the Papuan people about political freedom,” Mako explained.
KNPB also asked countries in Pacific region to support the political freedom for the Papuan people. This committee also urged the Indonesian Government to revoke Special Autonomous, because it has failed to bring the Papuan people into prosperity.
“We don’t want to bargain. What we really want is total freedom,” said Mako Tabuni.
Hundreds members of KNPB have rallied from Waena to Abepura, Jayapura. They planned to file their recommendation to the Papua’s House of Representatives.