A Papuan political prisoner in Jayapura’s Abepura prison says Indonesia’s government is afraid of what he might do if he’s released.

Filep Karma, who is serving a fifteen-year jail term for treason after he raised a Papuan nationalist flag in 2004, says international pressure on Jakarta over human rights abuses in Papua must be maintained.

Mr Karma says international awareness of rights’ abuses at Abepura has already helped to force a change in the prison’s management.

But he is not surprised that a public campaign urging Indonesia’s President to release all political prisoners appears unsuccessful.

“I know very well that Indonesia’s government didn’t like to release me and other political prisoners because they think if we’re already released, we can campaign people to struggle for our [West Papuan] independence.”

Filep Karma has finally received critical prostate surgery a year after he first made requests for urgent treatment which prison authorities repeatedly denied.