Gov. General Matane rejects Papuan fight for independence

By Bola Noho
PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea (PNG Post-Courier, Oct. 13, 2010) – Governor General Sir Paulias Matane yesterday announced Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) recognition of West Papua and Papua provinces as integral parts of the Republic of Indonesia.

[PIR editor’s note: West Papua is the largest province of Indonesia which comprises the majority of the western part of New Guinea and surrounding islands. While its closest neighbor - Papua New Guinea – does not recognize the plight of West Papua, Melanesian Vanuatu is on record in support of West Papua’s long struggle for independence from Indonesian control. ]

Sir Paulias reaffirmed PNG’s respect for territorial sovereignty and integrity of Indonesia while receiving Indonesian Ambassador to PNG, Andreas Sitepu’s letter of credence at the Government House.

"Any illegal activities against Indonesia in this regard are not condoned by PNG," he said.

Sir Paulias said this year marked both countries’ 35th year of formal diplomatic relations, built on firm foundation of mutual respect, friendship and co-operation that characterized their existence and enduring cordial, constructive and expanding beneficial bilateral co-operation.

He said he was heartened to note that the successful state visit to PNG by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in March was not only historical for both countries but enhanced political commitment, elevated and deepened bilateral ties.

"I urged both governments to continue to use the existing bilateral co-operation framework including basic agreement on border arrangement, treaty of mutual respect, friendship and co-operation, joint ministerial mission, border related meetings of joint border committee and border liaison meeting to further intensify and take relations to higher level for both countries’ long term benefits," he said.

Sir Paulias said as developing step, PNG and Indonesia shared many commonalities in the strive for sustainable development for improving overall wellbeing of their respective citizens through enhancing bonds of peaceful and secure co-existence as close neighbors.

Ambassador Sitepu said PNG and Indonesia have long and outstanding bilateral relations.