A video that shows Indonesian security forces torturing suspected separatists in Papua province – burning the genitals of one and running a knife across the neck of another – sparked public outcry on Tuesday after circulating on the internet.

A man displays a placard during a protest for a free Papua territory
A man displays a placard during a protest for a free Papua territory Photo: AFP/GETTY

The resource-rich province has been plagued by decades of violence since Indonesia took control of the western half of New Guinea island from the Dutch in 1963.

The ongoing conflict that has claimed an estimated 100,000 lives is shrouded in secrecy as the Indonesian government restricts media, diplomatic and human rights access.

One of the suspected separatists is shown lying naked on patch of gravel in the remote village of Puncak Jaya. An interrogator steps roughly on his chest, as another repeatedly asks where he and his friends have stashed their weapons.

"You're a liar. Get the fire. Burn him," the interrogator says. A soldier carries out the order to burn the victim's genitals.

There were conflicting reports on Tuesday about the man's identity.

Matius Murib, of the independent National Commission on Human Rights, said he was Werius Selenggen, a local church council official, whose body was found soon after he was tortured in late 2009.

But Andreas Harsono, of New York-based Human Rights Watch, said the timing and dialogue on the video suggest someone else. A metadata analysis indicated it was filmed on a mobile phone camera on May 30, 2010, he said.

The second victim, also not yet formally identified, is shown being threatened with a knife.

"It probably happened in a different era and someone leaked it to make us look bad," said Lt. Col. Susilo, a provincial military spokesman, adding that an investigation will determine if the men, who were dressed in plain clothes, were soldiers or police.

"I promise you, if it does turn out these abuses were carried out recently, we'll find out who was responsible and we'll come down hard."

In August, graphic mobile phone camera footage of the final moments of the life of a Papuan farmer, Yawan Wayeni, was also leaked onto the internet.

Mr Wayeni had either been speared with a bayonet or shot at close range in the stomach in his garden in August 2009.

Police claim he was a fugitive who had resisted arrest and was part of an armed separatist movement.

Activists state he was a former tribal leader turned farmer and the victim of a gross act of racism, torture and murder – the kind of which regularly goes unreported in Papua.

Members of the Indonesian paramilitary police, that allegedly operate with little supervision 3,000 miles from Jakarta, are filmed mocking Mr Wayeni as he limply holds up his arm and cries: "Papua freedom".

"How are you going to get freedom when you are like that?" retorts an officer, calling Papuans "savages".

Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, director general at Indonesia's Ministry of Law and Human Rights, told The Daily Telegraph: "The government will never grant freedom to Papua, but I hope the conflict won't continue. Dialogue needs to be ongoing."

However, police violence against Papuans and arbitrary arrests for peaceful demonstrations are as common as ever, according to the Commission for Disappearances and Victims of Violence (Kontras).

"The situation in Papua is not getting any better, it is only getting worse. The OPM (Free Papua Organisation) does not have a strong military base anymore, all the key leaders have been killed or are missing. There is no justification for the continued use of force," said Usman Hamid, chairman of Kontras.

In July, the Obama administration announced a plan to lift a ten-year ban on military assistance to a notoriously violent commando unit, known as Kopassus, which operates in Papua as part of their efforts to extend US influence in the region and combat Islamic extremist groups in Indonesia.

Kontras called for strong conditions to be placed on this agreement in terms of the treatment of Indonesian officers found guilty of human rights abuses.

Brussels-based International Crisis Group released a report last week stating that Indonesia must reach a political settlement with Papua to prevent simmering anger about broken promises of autonomy boiling over into violence.

President Barack Obama is due to make his twice-postponed trip to Indonesia in November, making good on a promise to travel to the Muslim-majority nation where he lived as a boy.