Indonesian government is expected to complete a relocation master plan for survivals of the flash flooded area of Wasior district in West Papua province by Nov. 2, an official said on Thursday.

Syamsul Maarif, head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), told reporters that the master plan is very important to build a new city for the survivals.

"President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has commanded for the master plan making. However, I think it would not be easy as it involves things such land, culture and other social aspects. But, I hope we can complete the master plan by Nov. 2," said Maarif, adding the local government would play a critical role in contributing on the master plan making.

Previously, in a parliamentary hearing, Maarif and the Commission VIII focusing on social and religious affairs agreed to urge the Speaker of the House of Representative Marzuki Alie to accelerate approval of fund disbursement for disaster mitigation.

Legislator Abdul Kadir Karding who chaired the hearing also said that the Commission VIII will invite the Finance Ministry, BNPB and related ministries to discuss acceleration of budget disbursement.

Source: Xinhua