The Minister of Foreign Affairs
 Bundesaußenminister Westerwelle
 Auswärtiges Amt
 11013 Berlin

 Open letter
 Concerns Foreign policy Indonesia

 Dear Mr. Westerwelle,

 Recently, the world was witness to a video clip in which Papuan
 Civilians were cruelly tortured by Indonesian security forces.

 As an NGO, fPcN has been able to broadcast a brutal torture video
 which was sent to us from Puncak Jaya, West Papua. The video shows two
 men, one young and the other between 50-60 years, in the custody of
 members of the Indonesian military, suffering increasing acts of
 brutality and torture. A Papuan man from the video, in which he was
 brutally burned, suffocated and hit by Indonesian troops, says he was
 tortured for two days, according to the testimony recorded and
 translated by Papuan activists.

 The release of the horrifying video prompted a strong response in the
 international press and broadcast stations around the world, such as
 ABC, BBC, Channel4, Jakarta Post.

 After the relaese of the video, our pages, & , along with other human rights & tribal advocacy
 websites, were targets of a massive cyber DDOS attack against West
 Papuan sympathetic NGOs & charitable groups worldwide. The Asian Human
 Rights Commission, West Papua Media Alert, Free West Papua Campaign UK
 and Survival International, were also victims of the huge coordinated
 cyber botnet attacks!

 Up until now, "Human Rights" have been at the forefront of our
 foreign policy.
 Since the new government was established last year, with you as the
 Minister of Foreign Affairs, we hope that we can take it for granted
 that there
 will be a continuation of that policy.

 Considering the gravity of this systematic abuse of human rights, we
 come to the conclusion that ?following the situation carefully? no
 longer suffices and we would like to ask you to urge the Indonesian
 authorities to independently investigate those events. We would also
 like you to seek severe punishment for those responsible for the
 torture of these mens.

 We would very much appreciate it if you could inform us if, and in
 what way,
 you are willing to actively address this issue regarding the
 Indonesian authorities.

 With kind regards,

 friends of Peoples close to Nature (fPcN), Germany