Nicholas Simion Messet former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Free Papua organizations that have been returned to the Indonesia.

As a result of that attitude, all OPM activist network that still exist and scattered abroad, pointed him as someone as struggle traitor.

So what comments of Pak Nick? Nick admitted that he had used to hear the allegations and will not be disputed. Now, the important thing is to liberate, liberate the people of Papua from ignorance and poverty.

Because he says, his struggle past, really to no avail. Although nearly 40 years he traveled abroad to seek support for Papuan independence, but until now the people of Papua are still lagging and eroded age.

"I always get a slur, either directly or via email. But they do not understand how I feel. I returned to Indonesia, purely because it calls from the heart. Given the current reality, what a thing to get attention," he said.