VHRmedia, Jayapura – Cendrawasih Regional Military Command (Kodam Cendrawasih) in Papua, stated its disbelief about intelligence operation in Kotaraja, Jayapura, that was conducted by the Indonesia’s Special Armed Forces (Kopassus) in 2007.
The spokesperson for Kodam Cendrawasih Col. Lt. Inf. Susilo did not deny about intelligence operation in Papua, because the area is located in Indonesia’s border.
Susilo explained that there are many military personnel assigned in Papua, and it is not only the troops from Kodam Cendrawasih.
“We have procedures to follow instruction from our institution. If violence had taken place, it would be beyond the order. If Allan Nairn reveals violence in Papua, it is a common thing. Sometime things that happened during the operation could be different with what had been ordered,” Susilo said.
Many intelligence operations had been conducted in Papua, for many threats come from groups that want political freedom, according to Susilo.
Susilo suggested the Indonesian people not to receive information from internet without checking the reliable sources.
“I ask to the people to file a report to Military Police or police, whenever they get violence from military. Don’t tell the violence to other parties, because it will never solve the problem,” said Susilo.
Allan Nairn is an American journalist who revealed intelligence operation, that had been conducted by Kopassus, to keep tabs on numbers of Papuan activities, whom are considered to campaign the Papua Freedom Movement.
These documents, that Allan Nairn revealed, name numbers of Papua Free Movement figures, such as Markus Haluk and Buchtar Tabuni (activists), Selpius Bobi (Chairman of Front People Referendum), Socrates Yoman (Head of Baptist Church in Papua, and Aloysius Renwarin (chairman of a human rights institution in Papua).
“I know that. They have sent us many threats and followed us. After I was sent to jail in 2007, the threats stopped. But it has not stopped to the others,” Selpius Bobi, one of names that are mentioned in the document, expressed.
Allan Nairn also made investigative report about incident that was happened in Dili, East Timor (now Timor Leste). His report led the termination of assistance from United States to the Indonesian military in 1993.
Allan also had revealed Kopassus engagement in activist murders in Aceh during the elections in 2009.
Allan reported that at least 8 activists of Aceh Party had been murder during the Indonesia’s General Election in 2009. They are Tumijan (35), and Dedi Novandi or Abu Karim (35). (E1)