Dear Friend of West Papua


News from European Parliament resolution on torture  for West Papuan Peoples.






Pursuant to Rule 120 of the Rules of Procedure


On torture of members of indigenous communities in West Papua


Oreste Rossi

Motion for a European Parliament resolution on torture of members of indigenous

communities in West Papua  


B7 0601/2010

The European Parliament,


   having regard to the UN Convention of 1984 against Torture and Other

Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,


   having regard to Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

and article 7b of the International Pact on Civil and Political Rights and their prohibitions of torture,


   having regard to the International Convention on the Elimination of All

Forms of Racial Discrimination,


   having regard to Rule 120 of its Rules of Procedure,


A. whereas in West Papua for forty years now members of the indigenous communities have suffered from abuse and violence at the hands of the Indonesian army,


B.  whereas since the Indonesian occupation began thousands of people have been killed, in a process of oppression which, in its ferocity and vastness, is considered to be the worst abuse perpetrated today against tribal peoples in the entire world,


C. whereas the persecution of the Papuan indigenous peoples is linked to the exploitation of a territory rich in gold and copper mining resources, while the actions of the Indonesian army are characterised by ferocious racism and religious hatred,


1.  Urges the Council to call on the government of Indonesia to put an end to these human rights violations and comply with the universally recognised standards of international law.


Free West Papua Campaign