Emergency Info from West Papua

For Media Release

Jayapura, December 3, 2010

I inform you directly from Jayapura West Papua that the people of West Papua is now on emergency under Indonesia military forces. Until this night TNI (the national army of Indonesia) and Police are still blockading every places in Abepura. I got accurate information from my people near Tanah Hitam that Indonesian military shot dead a farmer at Abe Gunung when this man was in garden. One man namely Miron Wetipo shot on 6.18 PM this afternoon and his body was in Bhayangkara Hospital.

Last night on 03.00 AM Indonesia military forces destroyed all of the West Papua people's houses near Abe gunung and arrested 2 man. One of them was a shepherd. From the morning till this night police and TNI arrested people without any reasons. According to the witness, they are looking for Dany Kogoya. He is an activist and also advocate for the OPM and TPN.

The photo above is the church building that was destroying by TNI and Police (Brimob).

According to Danny's neighborhood, TNI and Police intentionally put the gun and bullet near the Danny's house to publish out that it was Danny's gun and bullet so that they could carry out everything they want.

Here is the name that were arrested:
> 1. Ev. Yesmin Yikwa
> 2. Yupiter Tabuni
> 3. Tenius Yikwa
> 4. Manu Kogoya
> 5. Lambert Siep
> 6. Nalius Karoba
> 7. Yumbuk Yikwa
> 8. Yotan Kogoya

According to the chef of Police in Jayapura, the reason was to arrest the perpetrators of the shooting that happening some days ago. But I inform you that the Indonesian army and the police are carrying out shooting and arresting without any interrogation against them. They have intimidated, terror and tortured the civil of West Papua brutality. In fact, they are not the perpetrators. Police and TNI also were blockaded near the barracks of Uncen (Cenderawasih University).

Tonight, many shooting sounds are still continue. We will inform you later with
Victor F. Yeimo
The international Spokesperson for KNPB