Dear friends,

According to reports received from local activists, two villagers were killed in Bolakme, Papua, Indonesia during a sweeping operation by the security forces on December 1, 2010.






Bolakme is a small town in the Papuan highland region, which is heavily militarized and suffers from an oppressive climate due to the tense security situation.


The AHRC has documented numerous cases of such human rights violations that point to a pattern of endemic and possibly systematic arbitrary arrest, torture and killings as part of military operations against separatist movements. Due to operations by the military as well as the police, many innocent members of the indigenous community are being deprived of their rights and freedoms as Indonesian citizens. 

The AHRC has received credible reports about violations of rights allegedly committed by the military during "sweeping" operations by the military in the West Papuan highlands, which include the burning of houses, killing of livestock, arrests and other forms of violence. Since Indonesia is not allowing foreign journalists or human rights groups into the area, little is known about the extent of the problem, although reports are increasingly making their way out of the region.

The AHRC recalls that the military are placed beyond the reach of civilian courts, by virtue of Indonesia’s military law. Discussions on legislation to enable soldiers that commit crimes against civilians to be brought before civilian courts have reportedly been halted without result and are no longer listed for discussion by the country's parliament.


Please send letters to the authorities below calling for an independent and impartial investigation into the case, the effective prosecution of the perpetrators and investigations into all forms of intimidations of the indigenous community. Jakarta should respond to the call for a genuine dialogue with the indigenous communities. 

The AHRC is also writing separate letters to the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and the UN Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people as well as the UN Independent Expert on minority issues.



Dear __________,


INDONESIA: Killing of two indigenous Papuans during sweeping operation


Names of victims: Asli Wenda, Elius Tabuni
Date of incident: December 1, 2010
Place of incident: Bolakme, Jayawijaya, Papua, Indonesia
Alleged perpetrators: Indonesian military (TNI) (Kodim 1702) and police (Jayawijaya resort police)

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to voice its deep concern regarding the deaths of Asli Wenda and Elius Tabuni, indigenous Papuan villagers of Bolakme in the Jayawijaya District in West Papua. 

Between 10am and 5pm on December 1, 2010 in the Bolakme sub-district of Jayawijaya in Papua, Indonesia, the Indonesian military (TNI) and police conducted a joint sweeping operation regarding alleged separatist activities. Two indigenous Papuans, Asli Wenda and Elius Tabuni were shot dead during the operation at 1pm. 

No post mortem examination has yet been conducted as there are no facilities for autopsies in the area and the relatives of the victims do not have the means to travel to the nearest medical doctor to submit the bodies.

We request you to ensure a thorough and impartial investigation into the killing of Asli Wenda and Elius Tabuni and that the perpetrators will be prosecuted and held accountable according to the serious nature of this human rights violation. We call upon you to facilitate an immediate autopsy of the bodies of the victims.

The Papuan provinces should be demilitarized and a genuine political dialogue initiated between Jakarta and the indigenous Communities to ensure security.

We must point out that the strongest action needs to be taken in accordance with the law to ensure that the use of violence against anyone 'suspected' of anti government actions will be stopped.

We urge you to act swiftly on this case.


Yours sincerely,






1. AKBP I Gede Sumerta, SIK

Head of Jaya Wijaya District Police

(Kepala Kepolisian Resort Jaya Wijaya)

Jl. Sapri Darwin Nomor 1

Jaya Wijaya, Provinsi Papua


Tel: +62 969 3268

Fax: +62 969 31075


2. General of Police Timur Pradopo 

Chief of Indonesian National Police

Jl. Trunojoyo No.3



3. Drs. Bekto. Suprapto. M.Si

Head of Police Area Headquarters Jayapura, Papua province

Jl. Samratulangi No. 8 Jayapura


Tel:             + 62 0967 531014      

Fax: +62 0967 533763


4. R. Widyopramono SH,M.Hum


Kejaksaan Tinggi Papua

Jl. Anggrek No.6 Tj. Ria Jayapura



5. Drs. Petrus Waine

Director of the Criminal Unit

Papua Regional Police

Jl. Samratulangi

No. 8 Jayapura



6. Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudoyono


Republic of Indonesia

Presidential Palace

Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara

Jakarta Pusat 10010


Fax: + 62 21 231 41 38, 345 2685, 345 7782


Thank you.

Urgent Appeals Programme

Asian Human Rights Commission (ua@...)

Indonesia Desk (indonesia@...)

Free West Papua - PEACE
Henock F Nawipa

Local activists reported that between 10am and 5pm on December 1, 2010 in the Bolakme sub-district of Jayawijaya in Papua, Indonesia, the Indonesian military (TNI) (Kodim 1702) and police (Jayawijaya resort police) conducted a joint sweeping operation regarding alleged separatist activities. Two indigenous Papuans, Asli Wenda and Elius Tabuni were shot dead during the operation at 1pm. 

No post mortem examination has yet been conducted as there are no facilities for autopsies in the area. The relatives or supporters of the victim would have to travel and transfer the body to the nearest medical doctor themselves, which is difficult insecure given the distance to hospitals and the aggressive activities by the security forces.