Dear Friend of West Papua,

As 2010 draws to a close, I wanted to send through an update on current
developments with West Papua and the work of the Free West Papua Campaign. 

Last week, I travelled to Senegal in Africa, where I met the Senegalese
President Abdoulaye Wade. I was invited to give a speech to an audience of
African delegates, where I informed them of the suffering of the Papuan people
- a people whose ancestors came from Africa. The Senegalese President also
addressed the audience and stated that the issue of West Papua is now an
African issue, and urged those present to give due attention to the situation.
I believe support from African nations will be crucial on the road towards
bringing justice and change in West Papua, and am very pleased with how this
visit went.

In the House of Lords in the UK last week, several peers raised questions
regarding human rights abuses in West Papua including Lord Harries and Baron
Avebury from International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP). During the
parlimentary exchange it was also revealed that the Deputy Prime Minister Nick
Clegg raised concerns about human rights abuses and the ban on foreign
journalists to West Papua during a meeting with Indonesian Government officials
at the Asia-EU Summit in October. There was also confirmation that UK
Government officials will be following up these concerns.

The Free West Papua Campaign website is online again after coming under a
sustained cyber attack from late October onwards. This attack coincided with
the release of footage showing Indonesian troops torturing civilians in West
Channel 4 News in the UK ran a report on both the torture footage and the
subsequent cyber attacks, which also affected organisations including Survival,
Asian Human Rights Commission, FPCN and West Papua Media Alerts. It is strongly
suspected that these attacks were carried out by the Indonesian Government as a
way of preventing people from seeing the footage showing their soldiers
involved in torture
We hope that the ongoing investigation will expose the perperators of this
attack and their attempts to silence the voice of West Papua's suffering.

I want to thank every one of you from the bottom of my heart for your support;
whether you have attended a demo, given a donation, or simply told a friend
about the situation in West Papua - every action is helping raise the profile
of this critically important issue. This year has seen West Papua come into the
wider public consciousness, and we are now seeing pressure being placed on
Indonesia from the highest levels of Government, as well as support from parts
of the world where there was previously no awareness about the situation.

Unfortunately the situation in West Papua remains grave. I receive daily
reports of atrocities being committed by the Indonesian military - rape,
torture and killings against innocent civilians. Just last month 8 people from
my home village were arrested on their way to a relatives funeral because they
had the West Papua national flag in their possession.

My position remains the same. I am a servant to my people who have no voice,
and I will endeavour in 2011 to do everything I possibly can to continue to
raise the profile of my peoples suffering. Whilst my people continue to suffer
and continue to die, nothing will stop my campaign. 

Thank you for your support, and I wish you all a peaceful and prosperous
Christmas and New Year.

Wa wa wa

Benny Wenda
West Papuan independence leader in the United Kingdom& Chair of the Koteka
Tribal Assembly
P.O Box.656, Oxford,OX3 3AP England UK
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