Dear Friend of West Papua!

Here the Press Release and Statement from International Lawyer for West Papua 

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Free West Papua Campaign office
1.Inspektur Jenderal Bekto Suprapto Papua Police Chief
2 Mr Patrialis Akbar Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
3. Special Autonomy is illegal under international law
Source :

International Lawyer for West Papua
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17th January 2011

Inspektur Jenderal Bekto Suprapto
Papua Police Chief
Regional Head of Police (Kapolda)
JI. Samratulangi No. 8 Jayapura
Fax: 62 967 533763

Dear Kapolda,

We, the International Lawyers for West Papua, respectfully seek to remind  you
of your duties under international law.

As a Police Chief you are an agent of the Indonesian State and you are bound to
obey the human rights standards set by international law, particularly the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which Indonesia
acceded to on 23rd February 2006.

We therefore request that you immediately:

- Comply with Article 7 and Article 10 of the ICCPR and remove Buchtar Tabuni
from solitary confinement;

- Comply with Article 7 of the ICCPR and guarantee that Buchtar Tabuni
will not be tortured or otherwise ill-treated while he remains in  detention;

- Comply with Article 14 of the ICCPR and allow Buchtar Tabuni to have
immediate access to a lawyer of his choosing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Melinda Janki
Melinda Janki LLB, BCL, LLM, Chair ILW


International Lawyer for West Papua
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17th January 2011

Mr Patrialis Akbar
Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
JI. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav No.4-5
Kuningen, Jakarta Selatan 129501 525 3095
Dear Minister,

Filep Karma: Prisoner of Conscience

We, the International Lawyers for West Papua, respectfully seek to remind
you of the human rights standards set by international law.

We wish to point out that as Minister of Justice and Human Rights you have a
special responsibility to ensure that the State of Indonesia is recognised as a
civilised nation which respects the fundamental rights and freedoms of all
human beings.

We therefore urge you to comply with the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights (ICCPR) which Indonesia acceded to on 23rd February 2006.
In particular we ask you to

- Recognise and protect Filep Karma’s right to freedom of expression as
guaranteed by Article 19

- immediately and unconditionally release Filep Karma who is serving a
prison sentence for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Melinda Janki

Melinda Janki LLB, BCL, LLM, Chair ILWP

International Lawyer for West Papua
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17th January 2011

Mr Patrialis Akbar

Minister of Justice and Human Rights
JI. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav No.4-5
Kuningen, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Fax: 62 21 525 3095

Dear Minister,

Buchtar Tabuni: Prisoner of Conscience

We, the International Lawyers for West Papua, respectfully seek to remind
you of the human rights standards set by international law.

We wish to point out that as Minister of Justice and Human Rights you have a
special responsibility to ensure that the State of Indonesia is recognised as a
civilised nation which respects the fundamental rights and freedoms of all
human beings.

We therefore urge you to comply with the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights (ICCPR) which Indonesia acceded to on 23rd February 2006.
In particular we ask you to

- Recognise and protect Buchtar Tabuni’s right to freedom of expression
as guaranteed by Article 19 ICCPR;

- immediately and unconditionally release Buchtar Tabuni who is serving
a prison sentence for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Melinda Janki
Melinda Janki LLB, BCL, LLM, Chair ILWP
International Lawyer for West Papua
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Press Release

16th January 2011
Special Autonomy is illegal under international law

The International Lawyers for West Papua (ILWP) wishes to remind the Indonesian
government that special autonomy for West Papua (now divided into West Papua
and Papua) is illegal under international law.

West Papua has a legal right to self-determination i.e. a right under
international law
to choose freely its international status. West Papua’s legal right to
has never been validly exercised and therefore that right continues to
exist in law.

Special autonomy is not self-determination. Under international law, autonomy
short of the freedom of choice demanded by the right of self-determination.
Any attempt to substitute special autonomy for self-determination is a
of international law.

The ILWP notes with concern that according to the Papuan Peoples Coalition for
Truth (KRPBK) special autonomy has been a “catastrophe.”
The rule of law

We ask the international community of States and all international funding

- to respect the rule of law

- to cease immediately from providing any funding or other support for special

We once again ask the United Nations to place West Papua under international
administration and to hold a genuine act of self-determination for indigenous
West Papuans.

Melinda Janki
Melinda Janki LLB, BCL, LLM,
Chair ILWP