Total West Papuan Refugees arrested and detained at the Vanimo Police Station per 27 JAnuary 2011 are as follows:

Men : 28

Wmen: 24

Children: 27


Total: 79 persons

Further information on what is happening:

1. The police commander who arrested the refugees said yesterday, “We are arresting you because your own local government requested the arrest, we cannot arrest without such a request. They paid us to do this.”

2. The police commander also requested the landlords of the places where refugees are based to come before their release, however, the refugees in detention said, “We will fight legally for the burning of our houses and destroying our gardens, as these have broken our legal rights as refugees in Papua New Guinea and also the act is against our Papuan customary law.”
3. The Coordinator of West Papua Refugee Relief Association (WPRRA) for Vanimo Station said, “We are waiting for our Lawyer, Mr. Powes Parkop to come and launch the legal case so that we can claim our rights back, and if not, we will stay in this police station until all the houses are built and the gangs who destroyed our gardens pay the fine, according to our Melanesian customary law.”
4. The WPRRA also requested the Indonesian local police, particularly Central Mamberamo (Mamberamo Tengah) Government not to intervene into the government of Papua New Guinea, a sing of weakness in PNG Law and government. This shows to the Indonesian officials that, “Indonesian can buy off all the PNG government officials, and therefore, they can buy off Papua New Guinea as a state

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