Prof. Damien Kingsbury (ABC South East NSW)The release of a video in late October 2010 by Human Rights Watch via the internet has once again highlighted the ongoing brutality by Indonesian Special Forces in West Papua and reveals there has been little change to the military since the occupation of East Timor. Prof Damien Kingsbury from Deakin University discusses the issue on ABC South East World View with Tim Holt.

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Prof. Damien Kingsbury (ABC South East NSW)

The sheer brutality that was inflicted on the East Timorese over a quarter of a century by the Indonesian military and their special forces Kopassus has been covered over many years thru World view on ABC South east radio.

While the violence inflicted by Kopassus in East Timor ended with the independence of Timor Leste it seems the same old story is being replayed in another location.

In West Papua the violence has been ongoing there for decades under the radar, with outside media banned from covering what is really going on.

However the abuses in West Papua have long been highlighted by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Not a day goes by without an alert of someone missing, or worse, in suspicious circumstances.

The alleged torture of two Papuans by Indonesian security forces, captured on video and posted on the internet in October 2010, has once again put the spotlight on Australia's military training role with Indonesian special forces and the ongoing brutality.

The ABC's Tim Holt is speaking here with Prof. Damien Kingsbury....