Report of the arrest of John Magai Yogi and two of his colleagues at Polres Nabire

Jhon Magai Yogi is the son of General Thadius Magai Yogi, the Comander of the TPN – OPM Dev II Makodam Pemka IV Paniai with its headquarters in Eduda, was arrested yesterday 26 Feb 2011 by security forces TNI/Police after being sent from Enarotoli on an Aviastar aircraft. At this time he is being held in detention in Kores (Police HQ) Nabire together with two of his colleagues who until now are unidentified.

The reason for their arrest are not yet known. The Me Tribe traditional leaders Mr Yakobus Muyapa and Mr Daud Kadepa have also reported today to the Nabire police station. They have asked the authorities to immediately release those arrested at the police post because Nabire and Paniai are designated calm areas in comparison to other areas in Indonesia.

While there is a Papuan independependence struggle in Nabire and Paniai, especially in Eduda Mabes TPN/OPM Paniai, there is an ongoing commitment to peaceful non-violent struggle, a struggle that is proper and valued by the entire West Papuan community in our land. These two leaders will again approach the Police head in Nabire on Monday 28^Feb. for further consultation said Daud Kadepa via mobile phone on 27 Feb at 2.31pm.

After I heard the report of the arrest John Magai Yogi’s phone was not yet able to be answered as it had been confiscated by the arresting authorities.