A landslide has damaged a tunnel in the PT Freeport Indonesia area in Mimika, Papua.

The Hanekam tunnel connecting Timika and Tembagapura was damaged by a landslide on Saturday night, but no casualties were reported, PT Freeport Indonesia spokesman Ramdani Sirait said in Timika on Sunday as reported by Antara.

He added that the company’s production had not been disrupted.

However, the damage blocked access for land transportation between Timika and Tembagapura.

On Sunday morning and noon, 30 buses that were scheduled to carry company employees from the Gorong-Gorong terminal in Timika to Tembagapura had to cancel their trips.

Several employees said they would be taken to Tembagapura by helicopter, from Mozes Kilangin Airport in Timika on Monday morning.

Mimika Police chief Adj.Snr.Com. Moch Sagi said the 1,000-meter Hanekam tunnel was the longest tunnel in the PT Freeport Indonesia area.

The Hanekam tunnel was built in 1971.