JAYAPURA: The Papua Police have formed special teams to investigate the attack by unidentified people against vivanews.com and The Jakarta Globe daily reporter Bram Banjir Ambarita.

“I’ve formed three teams to investigate the case and will monitor developments every day. The joint team of detectives from the Papua Police and Jayapura Police, a city police team and an intelligence team have yet to find any significant clues, but I have told them not to give up and find the perpetrators,” Papua Police chief Insp. Gen. Bekto Suprapto told reporters in Jayapura on Monday.

Despite the lack of clues, Bekto said that police would not stop investigating whether the knife attack was related to the victim’s profession as a journalist, or a personal case or an accident.

“However, I don’t want to speculate. It must be based on facts,” he said.

Jayapura Police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Imam Setiawan said police had currently questioned five witnesses, but they had yet to acquire a statement from the victim because he was still too weak.

Papua chapter Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Frans Ohoiwutun has conveyed the group’s stance to the Jayapura Police regarding the attack and expect authorities to immediately disclose the motive behind the attack. — JP