Press Release – West Papua Media Alerts

Today 11am 6th May 2011, Canberra. Free West Papua political prisoners protest at the Indonesian Embassy, 8 Darwin Ave, Yarralumla, Canberra. Free West Papua Political Prisoners

Today 11am 6th May 2011, Canberra. Free West Papua political prisoners protest at the Indonesian Embassy, 8 Darwin Ave, Yarralumla, Canberra.

Osama Bin Laden may be dead but terror is not. And for West Papuans their biggest source of terror is the Indonesian government that government continues to kill, torture, intimidate, and arrest people. There are currently more than 100 West Papuan political prisoners still in prison. And in the last few days more people have been shot dead by the Indonesian security forces. As a diplomatic representative of the West Papua National Authority I ask the international community to remind the Indonesian government that West Papuan political prisoners are not criminal.

The fact that there are still West Papuan political prisoners in Indonesia proves that we Papuans do not have freedom. There is no democracy in West Papua. More than 400 000 Papuans have been killed by indonesia government since 1960s.

The USA government, the Australian government and other governments are talking about Osama Bin Laden right now. But what about the West Papuan people who have been killed by Indonesian state terror for so many years? Where is your voice for West Papuan people?


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