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Dear friend of West Papua,

It’s been 48 years this month since the illegal occupation of West Papua by Indonesia began. Almost five decades of death, rape, environmental vandalism and cultural repression. But May has also been eventful and we thank you again for supporting our campaign. We bring you the following news:

- Thousands join rallies across West Papua on May 2nd to demand freedom

- Derek Adii is brutally stabbed at the same month as the death of journalist Adrinsayah Matra and Agus Alua, chairman of the MRP (Papuan People's Council).

- We hold a successful meeting with Peers and MPs in Westminster

- The Free West Papua campaign website comes under attack

- 2nd August: International lawyers for West Papua Conference, Oxford, plus events and demos coming up

On May 2nd the people of West Papua rose up in their thousands to commemorate the illegal occupation by Indonesia in West Papua on May 1, 1961 and demand independence. Leader in exile Benny Wenda addressed the crowds from the UK and a full mandate was given to the government of Vanuatu, International Lawyers for West Papua and International Parliamentarians for West Papua to bring the political issue of West Papua to the International Court of Justice.

Scenes like this did not come without arrests and intimidation from the Indonesian government as six members of KNPB (West Papua National Committee) were arrested in Wamena for leafleting before the demo. But despite this we believe it was a historic day and you can see for yourself images of the people raising their voices here and here.

Of course it’s not without reason that people are protesting in such numbers. We have been shocked to hear of the torture and killing of Derek Adii on the 14th of May. It is reported that six military personnel were involved in the attack on the 26-year old, who had just completed his application for appointment as a civil servant. Pictures from his horrific stabbing show the sadistic extent of the Indonesian security force’s violence. This comes just after the suspicious deaths of Agus Alua who bravely spoke out against Special Autonomy and journalist Adrinksayah Matra who was investigating corruption and illegal loggong.

Our sadness and anger at these ongoing killings and violence makes our campaign ever more urgent. A recent meeting with MPs and Peers in Westminster gave us some reasons to be positive. On 17th May Lord Harries, Andrew Smith MP and Caroline Lucas MP organised a meeting to inform them of the current situation and to make plans for the future. All present gave their enthusiastic support and offer to help the campaign and the people of West Papua. A full report of the meeting is available here.

We continue to build a team of international lawyers. On August 2nd we will hold a conference for International Lawyers for West Papua in Oxford. More info about this event will soon be available on the ILWP website: and on our own website:

Next week students from the London School of Economics (LSE) will host a West Papua solidarity event on 24th May. The following day, 25th May, we will be holding a demo outside the headquarters of BP, Rio Tinto and also the Indonesian Embassy. Please join us to show your solidarity if you can. Meet at the Indonesian Embassy, Grosvenor Square at 1pm.

Following the 2nd May demos our website came under cyber attack from those who wish to silence us. This is the second attack we have suffered, previously being shut down after posting videos of West Papuans being tortured. The site is now up and running again and we hope to strengthen its defences against further hacking but this will cost us more so any donations greatly appreciated (see below). You can now check the site for updates and news as well as follow on us Twitter @freewestpapua and also on Facebook.

We thank you again for your on-going support for the campaign and ask you: please help us in any way you can. You can demonstrate with us, raise the issue at a local and national level, contribute your skills or time or simply donate to the campaign via the donate button on the Free West Papua website.

48 years is too long, it is the time to end the genocide.

Free West Papua
Benny Wenda
Leader of the West Papuan Independence Movement in the UK