Before a meeting with the National Commission on Human Rights on Friday, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that Indonesia had taken steps in the right direction to improve its human rights record.

“Although we realize that there are still human rights problems in our nation, in numerous places that require a lot of homework to be done, in comparison to our human rights record 10 to 15 years ago, there have been much improvements,” Yudhoyono said.

He said that while Indonesia had often been “attacked” in the past over human rights abuses, this was no longer the case.

“The situation has systematically changed, and we have been selected with full support to be a member of United Nations Human Rights Council,” he said. “We need to maintain and improve this condition, correcting human rights abuses.”

Yudhoyono's statement parallels a report on human rights recently released by the United States government, in which Indonesia was listed as a country that had made significant improvements to human rights.

The report, however, noted that Indonesia faced problems, including political and judicial corruption, limitations to freedom of expression, violence towards religious groups and human trafficking.

“Indonesia boasts a vibrant free media and a flourishing civil society at the same time as it faces up to challenges in preventing abuses by its security forces and acting against religious intolerance,” said U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton at the time.