Beantwoording kamervragen van de leden Ormel en Ferrier (beiden CDA) aan de minister van

Buitenlandse Zaken over de doden die zijn gevallen op Papoea als gevolg

van ingrijpen door de lokale politie in Dogiyai (ingezonden 4 mei 2011 met als kenmerk 2011Z09535)


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Translation: Pro Papua


Questions by the members Ormel and Ferrier (both Christian-Democrat Party) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the people killed in Papua as a result of the intervention by the local police in Dogiyai. These questions were sent in on May 4th with reference 2011Z09535.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Asia and Oceania Department
Bezuidenhoutseweg 67

2594 AC Den Haag

PO Box 20061

The Netherlands


To the Chairman of

the Dutch House of Representatives
The Hague


Date May 30th 2011


Concerns: answering of questions posed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs by members Ormel and Ferrier (both Christian Democrat Party-CDA) about Papua


Our reference: DAO-177/11


Your reference: 2011Z09535


Dear Chairman,


I’m glad to present you herewith the answers to the written questions posed by the members Ormel and Ferrier (both Christian Democrat Party) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the people killed in Papua as a result of the intervention by the local police. These questions were sent in on May 4th with reference 2011Z09535.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs

Dr. U. Rosenthal




Questions by the members Ormel and Ferrier (both Christian-Democrat Party) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the people killed in Papua as a result of the intervention by the local police. These questions were sent in on May 4th with reference 2011Z09535.


Question 1

Are you familiar with the people who have been killed in Papua as a result of the intervention by local police? 1)


Answer to question 1

Yes, I have taken careful notice of this.


Question 2

What do you think of Amnesty’s call to set up an effective and independent investigation into these matters? 2) Do you think that the Indonesian authorities have met with these demands? If not, in what way will you promote the start of such an investigation?


Answer to question 2

I endorse the importance of an effective and independent investigation into these matters. I have learned that the Indonesian police force started an investigation into the matter. Also, the provincial parliament together with the official human rights commission KomnasHam Papua visited the Dogiyai district in order to investigate the matters. Both investigations have not been completed yet. I have instructed the Dutch embassy in Jakarta to follow the matter at close range.


Question 3

Do you share the opinion that the police in Papua have a crucial role in improving the human rights situation in Papua? If not, why not? If so, how does this manifest itself in future relations with Indonesia concerning development funding?


Answer to question 3
I share the opinion that correct behavior and operation of the police force is of great importance for the improvement of the human rights situation in Papua. Therefore the Dutch ambassador in Indonesia had conversations with the Chief of Police during a recent visit to Papua in which the human rights situation and the actions of the police force were discussed. Also conversations have taken place with the Army Commander and the local human rights organization KomnasHam Papua. At this moment investigations are made in what way The Netherlands can continue their support to the reformation of the Indonesian police force.


Question 4

What initiatives have you taken by now in order to start up open and constructive dialogue with Indonesia concerning Papua? You were summoned to do so by the resolution Van der Staaij 3)


Answer to question 4

Also thanks to a Dutch initiative the human rights situation in Papua was discussed during an EU-Indonesian human rights dialogue on last March 9th. With this we give substance to the resolution Van der Staaij in order to strive for an open and constructive dialogue internationally with Indonesia concerning Papua


1) Banjir Ambarita, April 19th 2011: “Papua Police Chief Under Fire for Gambling

2) Amnesty International, April 16th 2011: “Authorities must investigate

unnecessary and excessive use of firearms by security forces in West Papua”
3) Parliamentary debates
32500 V, nr. 113