
Hundreds of people rallied on Friday, under the banner of the West Papua National Authority (WPNA) calling for the release of all Papuan political prisoners.

They said this was part of their call for independence for West Papua.

During the rally, they sang songs, beat drums and held aloft posters, one of which said: ‘Independence for West Papua is non-negotiable (mutlak).’

As they gathered outside the building of the provincial legislative council, DPRP, a member of the council came out to welcome them.

The president of the WPNA, Terrianus I Yocku, said that the Papuan people have every right to struggle for their political rights but should do so always by peaceful means. He said that the Papuan struggle for freedom is not an act of subversion – makar – nor is it separatist.

‘This is why we call upon the Indonesian government to release all the political prisoners and provide a firm guarantee for for the security of our struggle for independence.’ He went on to say that there were no international decisions describing the Papuan people’s struggle for independence as being subversive.

He said that the WPNA is calling for five demands to resolve the conflict in the Land of Papua.

The release of all Papuan political prisoners,
Guarantees of safety from the government for Papuan leaders who are in the forests.
Guarantees of safety for those Papuans who are struggling overseas for independence for West Papua,
Guarantees for those now abroad to return home to Papua as citizens and not as foreigners,
To lift the stigma of separatism for all those who are struggling for independence.

Responding to these demands, Roby Nauw, the deputy chairman of the DPRP promised to forward these demands to those in authority.

He said that only central government has the authority to provide safeguards for political prisoners and to release them.

‘We will forward these demands to the central government,’ Roby said, after listening to the speeches by WPNA leaders.