Jayapura, Papua. Search and rescue teams have been deployed off the coast of Manokwari in West Papua to look for 10 people missing in a boating accident, including six members of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

A fishing boat, the Sinar Pagi, reportedly capsized in the waters off Manokwari’s Sidey district on Tuesday. Authorities only learned of the accident two days later when they were contacted by a passenger who had managed to reach shore.

The survivor, identified as Viki Kendi, 14, said the fishing boat was carrying 10 other people. Viki was taken to Manokwari Hospital and was unable to answer questions.

“The person who reported this cannot yet give detailed information [about the accident] because he is still being treatment,” Papua Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Wachyono said on Friday.

Wachyono was able to confirm that six of the 10 missing people were BIN members.

The six agents were identified as Prim Sulikron, Andri Winarta, Gion Sembiring, Bayu Kumilang, Hana Siwaan and Solgun. The four remaining passengers could not immediately be identified.

“The district police chief, the search and rescue chief and officers from BIN and the local subdistrict police conducting a search with a police ship this morning,” Wachyono said.

Navy Chief Adm. Agus Suhartono, speaking in Jakarta, said the area where the Sinar Pagi was reported to have capsized was remote.

Agus said initial reports indicated that the BIN officers were on a fishing trip when the incident occurred.

“This was an accident pure and simple,” he said.

Papua, where a low-profile armed separatist movement has been simmering for decades, has seen a recent spate of attacks against police.