Bintang Papua, 27 July, 2011

Abridged in translation by TAPOL

Jayapura:  The news that the International Lawyers for West Papua is to hold a meeting in the UK on 2 August has led to a variety of responses.On the one hand, there are those who think this  will be of no positive benefit for Papua.

The Central Presidium of the  National Struggle of the Papuan People  regards this as nothing more than ‘romanticism of history’. This was the view of  the organisation’s chairman, Arkilaus Baho, speaking at a press conference. He was of the opinion that it would be more useful  to have talks between the Indonesian government  and the TPN/OPM like the talks that were held some time ago held with GAM about Aceh. He expressed the view that both the TPN (the armed wing of the OPM) and the Indonesian government would be prepared to hold talks. ”These talks could be held before the end of 2011,’ he said.

But Usama Usman Jogobi , speaking at another press conference together with his colleagues, said that he enthusiastically supports the holding of this conference.Usama is the co-ordinator of SDHRP, Democratic Solidarity and Human Rights of the Papuan people. He hoped very much that all sections of the Papuan people would support this meeting. ‘We support it whole-heartedly,’ he said.’We very much hope that the decisions taken at the conference will contribute towards resolving the continuing conflicts in Papua,’

Mako Tabuni, chairman  of the National Committee of West Papua (KNPB) also expressed support for the event. He went further, saying that his organisation was planning to organise  a peaceful demonstration outside the DPRP head office on 2 August. ‘I have received an acknowledgement (to my request) from the police about this event. ‘I am quite  quite certain that this peaceful demonstration will take place,’ he said.