Temporary Address:
Rev. Emr. H. Awom, Pacific Indah-Angkasapura,
Port Numbay-Jayapura- West Papua;
Tel. 06285244300855; and Tel. 0628124800260.
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Nature          : Most Urgent                                                                                                             
Number        : 03/PNL/VI/2011.                                                                                                               
Subject         : Immediate Action for West Papua

Port Numbay (Jayapura),
West Papua
 26 July 2011.

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr President,

We are writing to you as the leaders of the West Papuan people. 
We welcome the statement by your Secretary of State, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, in Bali on 24 July, that the United States Government supports an “open dialogue” between Papuan representatives and the Indonesian Government to address grievances and support development. We greatly appreciate the support of your government and trust that Secretary Clinton will continue to urge the Indonesian Government to embark on an “open dialogue” with the leaders of the West Papuan people.
We believe that the conflict between the people of West Papua and the Indonesian Government is an unresolved legacy of the Cold War. The people of West Papua have been colonised for the past half century.

We wish to live in peace with our neighbour, Indonesia. Given the support of your Government, as expressed by Secretary Clinton, the conflict in West Papua can be resolved through a peaceful open dialogue.
Mr President, please accept the greetings and prayers of the people and nation of West Papua.
Yours faithfully,
The National Leadership of West Papua,

Forkorus Yaboisembut, SPd.
Speaker of Customary Council,
06281344420906      Executor of State
Rev. Edison Waromi, SH.
President of West Papua National Authority,
06281344529776      Executor of  Governance
Rev. Emr. Herman Awom, STh.
Moderator of Papua Presidium Council,
0628524430085    Executor of  Legislative
Drs. Laurence Marius Mehue
Papua Independent Committee for Law Practitioners,
06285244612282    Executor of  Judicative
Col. Eliezer Awom
West Papua National Coalition for Liberation, 06281315491254   
Executor of  Defense & Security     

Download the letter as pdf here.