Seventeen people were killed and dozens injured when the supporters of rival candidates in a local regent election clashed throughout Saturday and Sunday in Ilaga district in Puncak Jaya regency, Papua.

The groups attacked each other outside the local legislative council building starting on Saturday afternoon around 2 p.m., using a variety of weapons, including rocks and bows and arrows, according to police. Several nearby houses and cars were set on fire during the continuing mayhem.

Papua Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Wachyono confirmed the number of people slain in the violence, saying on Sunday that police officers had been deployed to site to stop the fighting and evacuate the dead.

“The incident took place in front of the local legislative council building. The 17 victims died after being struck by arrows and stones,” he said as quoted by Antara news agency.

Wachyono said that after much hard work the police had finally restored order in Ilaga district
as of Sunday, although as of Sunday evening 14 officers from the local Mobile Brigade unit were
seen securing the local General Elections Commission’s (KPUD) office and the Papua Police headquarters.

“The situation is under control. If the weather is good, a platoon of Mobile Brigade officers will be deployed on Monday,” Wahjono said as quoted by news portal on Sunday.

The violence erupted after the local KPUD rejected a clarification request from one of the candidates, Simon Alom.

Simon asked the local KPUD to clarify why his candidacy for the Puncak Jaya regent’s election was rejected after one of the parties backing his bid withdrew its support.

The situation grew heated as Simon’s supporters immediately attacked the supporters of his rival in the regency race, Elvis Tabuli, after exchanging insults.

Thirteen of the dead were Simon supporters, while the other four victims backed Elvis Tabuli,
according to Antara news agency.