The National Police said that members of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) killed four citizens on Sunday after threatening employees two days before at a local television station in Paniai, Papua.

“The attacks began on Friday morning when 16 members of the OPM approached and ordered two employees ,who were in the middle of their work at a local TV station tower, to stop their activities," National Police spokesperson Insp. Gen. Anton Bachrul Alam said Monday.

The two workers reported the incident to the police. The OPM fired shots at police who had arrived on the scene. A gunfight ensued.

“They [the OPM] managed to escape. Fortunately, no one died,” he said.

However, the OPM allegedly attacked civilians once more in a roadside ambush at 3:30 a.m on Monday. Anton said the OPM tortured nine passengers, killing four.

“The OPM set an ambush by cutting down a tree to block a road near Tanjakan Gunung Merah, Paniai. A local transport vehicle that happened to pass the road was raided,” he said, adding that the police were currently searching for the culprits.

The police confiscated seven military uniforms, eight bullets for SSI and Moser rifles, two machetes, two hand phones and documents belonging to the OPM. (rpt)