Jayapura. Government officials confirmed on Monday that the recent deadly brawls plaguing the newly established district of Puncak Papua were closely linked to local politics.

Papua Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Wachyono said supporters of Elvis Tabuni, the speaker of the Puncak Papua legislative council, and rival supporters of Simon Alom, who led the transitional process during the establishment of the district were both involved in the brawls, which occurred in the district capital Illaga over the weekend. Seventeen people — some from either side — were killed in the clashes.

Puncak Papua Regional Elections Commission (KPUD) chairman Herianus Pakage said both men were eyeing the district head post in an upcoming election.

“There are two letters of recommendation issued by Gerindra [Great Indonesian Movement Party], one for Elvis Tabuni an one for Simon Alom. This is what triggered the clash because both sides claimed to have backing from Gerindra,” Herianus said.

Elvis and his running mate, Yosia Tembak, officially announced their bid and registered with the KPUD on July 26 with a letter of recommendation from the local branch of Gerindra. Four days later, Simon and his partner Heri Kosnai registered using a recommendation from Gerindra’s central board.

Simon’s bid under the party name enraged Elvis’ supporters. Four people from Simon’s side were killed in the first brawl, which occurred on Saturday. On Sunday, Simon’s supporters retaliated, resulting in the death of 13 people from Elvis’ camp.

Presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was seeking an explanation from Djoko Suyanto, coordinating minister for political, legal and security affairs, as well as asking him to formulate a solution to the dispute. “We’re still waiting for more information about the incident,” Julian said.

National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Anton Bachrul Alam said Papua provincial police had deployed one platoon from the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) to help maintain security in Illaga.

“Right now the situation is under control,” Anton said, adding that police were monitoring conditions at the scene of the clash, the KPUD office as well as other government buildings.

Puncak Papua is scheduled to hold its first election this year, but Herianus said the clash was likely to delay the election process.