Your comments on the call by House of Representatives Speaker and Democratic Party member Marzuki Alie to disband the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and exonerating corruption suspects in exchange for the return of their ill-gotten wealth to the state:

I personally find the KPK has not been that effective in eradicating corruption in this nation.

Elsarizki Prawisuda

Why do we still listen to such people? Haven’t we learned enough from his comment?


It’s a good call. Let’s do it right after we disband the House of Representatives.

Anton Subiyanto

Marzuki Alie: Please spare us from this pathetic solution to corruption. Do you really expect your fellow politicians to bring back the money they have stolen? Dreamer!

Maybe we can hold a competition for the largest amount returned with the winner receiving a new car.

Marzuki Alie seems to know a lot about the hot-cash transactions for buying land, cars and motorcycles.

Return all of the money to the communities from where it was stolen and punish those who stole it.

Barry Acott

Please stop criticizing Marzuki. He is not corrupt.

He just has a corrupt mind. Why are we being so harsh toward him?


This man should not talk in public. Or better, not at all.



Marzuki must be sick and should become the main target to be erased from this country.

How does a person like him become top leader in the House of Representatives? He can’t do his work well. Fire him or put him in jail. It is better for him.


How can Marzuki even think of dissolving the KPK? It is the only hope in this country to eradicate corruption. His idea of pardoning corruption convicts is not acceptable.

How can they go scot-free just in exchange for their ill-gotten wealth? They should be severely punished for the crime if the country seriously wishes to combat corruption.

Komal Sharma

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