Indowarta - August 3, 2011

Partai Pembebasan Kecam Penangkapan Anggotanya Dalam Demo KNPB - Indowarta. Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Jakarta -- The People's Liberation Party (Partai Pembebesan Rakyat, PPR) has slammed the arrest of comrade Suryanta Ginting (a PPR member) by the Metro Jaya Regional Police when he was giving a solidarity speech during an action by the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) in front of the State Palace on Tuesday August 2.

The condemnation was conveyed by PPR spokesperson Budi Wardoyo in an SMS message. According to Wardoyo, the action in front of the Palace was held to support the international conference "West Papua - The Road to Freedom" being held today by International Lawyers for West Papua (ILWP) in London.

"The conference will be pushing for the Papua problem to be taken to the International Court, so that the Papua problem can be resolved through international standards and legal principles", explained Yoyok, as Wardoyo is usually called.
 Papuan independence demo