Jayapura. Three Indonesian soldiers tried over the killing of a Papuan priest were sentenced to up to 15 months in jail for insubordination, a military official said on Friday.

“The sentences were appropriate,” provincial military spokesman Lt. Col. Ali Hamdan Bogra said.

“The men were investigated through a process that was in accordance with military criminal law.”

Indonesia is often criticized by human rights groups for failing to punish military personnel responsible for killings and abuses of civilians in the eastern Papua region.

The court martial heard that the soldiers assaulted Kinderman Gire when he stopped a military supply convoy to ask for gasoline in Puncak Jaya district on March 17 last year.

Gire tried to grab a rifle from Second Private Herry Purwanto, who reacted by shooting him in his chest, killing him instantly. The trio then dumped the priest’s body into a river.

Purwanto was sentenced to 15 months in jail for “disobedience and abuse which led to death,” Bogra said.

First Sergeant Saut Sihombing was sentenced to seven months in jail and Second Private Hasirun was sentenced to six months in jail for disobeying orders, he added.

Agence France-Presse



2:38am Aug 13, 2011


Purwanto was sentenced to 15 months in jail for “disobedience and abuse which led to death,” Bogra said.



Abuse that led to death? So shooting someone is abuse or murder?


I am so sick of Indonesia's lack of law.

10:21pm Aug 12, 2011

I believe we should start considering renaming our country; i.e. lawofjungleland. Killing gets you 3 MONTH! to 15 MONTH! and for the killing of a SUPREME COURT judge one walks after 4 years (would be put a away for good in any civilized country)... life is cheap here.

But the guy that steals a chicken gets a higher sentence. It is all really getting weird, and nobody seems to do anything against it. Maybe premanland would be a more appropriate name...

9:45pm Aug 12, 2011

They shot Kinderman Gire straight into the chest, killing him instantly, then they grabbed his body and dumped it into a river.

Sentences are - 15 months, even months and six months.

But of course, as lenient these sentences sound (and they are indeed just as such) - “The sentences were appropriate” because “The men were investigated through a process that was in accordance with military criminal law".

Nothing learned, ignorance for human rights and for sure no redemption. I wonder how many times soldiers in Papua (and probably not only there) are performing in a similar manner (we all saw them burning a man's testicle and other videos which show the excessive use of force).

In my opinion these soldiers should face in addition to the military court a civilian court for their act.