Komofa District Police, Paniai Regency, Papua was attacked by a group of Free Papua Organization (OPM) members on Tuesday (16/8), at around 1 a.m. local time. No casualties were found, yet two firearms belonging to policemen were seized by the attackers.

Paniai Police Chief, AKBP Jannus Siregar, confirmed the incident. “A group of around 30 people attacked the Komofa police. They used firearms and traditional weapons such as arrows and machetes. There were no casualties, but two SKS-type firearms were taken away by the attackers,” said the police chief on Tuesday morning .

As many as 10 police officers on duty at the police station were surprised by the coming of a dozen of people, who then circled the police station and fired weapons.

“As it was dark due to lack of lighting [in a remote area], the officers did not fight back, especially as they fired shots. The OPM then seized two guns from the police station,” he explained.

After seizing the weapons, the group then fled in the darkness back into the forest. “It was impossible for the officers to fight or chase them, because the situation was completely dark, because the location was in the middle of the woods. They also used firearms of, among others, SS1 and Moser, and ready to shoot if the officers fought back,” he said.

The condition of Komofa Police, situated quite far from Paniai’s capital Enarotali, or 3 hours by speed boat plus 1.5 hour ride by motorcycle, is now back to normal. However, all officers were on guard.