A book containing the speeches of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was one of the books that guests, who attended the 66th Independence Day ceremony at the State Palace, were given on Wednesday.

The book of speeches, entitled: Reflections on the Reactualization and Revitalization of Pancasila Principles, was given away with a book from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) containing data relating to the successes of the government; a book written by presidential special staff, Denny Indrayana, entitled: Optimistic Indonesia; and a children's book containing interviews with national figures.

The books, along with a copy of Jurnas newspaper, were placed in a small blue bag.

Other printed materials included the tabloid Taking Action for the People; pamphlets about the people at village level who educate families on the benefits of breast milk; and a book entitled: Impressive Footsteps of Papua.

The books handed out this year took a general theme, as compared to last year, when the palace distributed books on the activities of the first family, which was met with criticism.