Aug. 11, Online

The Jayapura Military Court on Thursday sentenced First Private Hasirun to six months’ imprisonment for torturing and killing Papuan Rev. Kinderman Gire in March last year.

A panel of judges headed by Lt. Col. Adil found Hasirun, a member of the 753/AVT Nabire Batallion, guilty of disobeying orders by violently assaulting Kinderman, reported.

Your comments:

Indonesia claims to be the “third-largest democracy in the world”. If so, it should organize a referendum on self determination for the people of West Papua, as it pledged to do a long time ago.

Indonesia has also signed and ratified an international convention against torture, which means that murderers and perpetrators such as the Indonesian Military (TNI) members in West Papua should be given serious sentences.

A few months in jail is ridiculous and incompatible with Indonesia’s international obligations.

The democratic world is waiting for an indictment of the National Police Mobile Brigade officers who tortured Yawen Wayeni to death. The list of unpunished crimes by perpetrated by Indonesian security forces in West Papua is thousands of times longer.

Filippo Giancarlo
Jimbaran, Bali

The Indonesian judicial system is a joke. The TNI kills West Papuans with impunity. Yet the freedom of speech and association is nonexistent for West Papuans. If these cowardly thugs had killed a Javanese man in Jakarta, their sentence would have been much harsher.


This is a real disgrace for a country that is trying to present itself as a democracy! People who are raising an innocent flag are being sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment, while a soldier who tortured and murdered an innocent West Papuan civilian was sentenced to six months.

This is not democracy. This is tyranny. I guess I might be executed if lived in Indonesia and made this critique.


Five years for porn. Six months for murder. Congratulations, Indonesia. The world can now see how you operate. They are laughing at you.

Probolinggo, East Java

This is not equity. It’s unfair and disgusting. It reflects that justice is just a dream.


It’s a travesty of justice! Six months’ imprisonment for killing a human being!
