Film verslag van de demo's in West Papua.
Bron: KNPB- West Papua

The rally organised by the National Committee for West Papua (KNPB) on August 2 2011 was led by Mako Tabuni from KNPB. The protesters were on the streets the whole day. There were more than 10,000 people, from Sentani, Jayapura as well as students from Abepura. The peaceful rally was organised to support the seminar by International Lawyer for West Papua (ILWP), initiated by Benny Wenda in London, the UK, which looked into the history of the 1969's People's Act of Free Choice (PEPERA).

Protesters from the National Committee for West Papua (KNPB) went to the streets on August 2, 2011. They walked from Angkasa to Taman Imbi, and in front of the Jayapura Parliament. Mama-mama (older Papuan women) from the markets wore their traditional clothes along with the other young and old. They all sang and shouted their solidarity for the lawyers' conference in London, the UK. Once they gathered at Taman Imbi, they hopped on trucks and drove to Abepura to join the larger crowd.