Letter: They are fishing in murky water

Not only the British, but Australia keeps fishing in murky water. Individuals of both of those countries seem not willing to see Papua as Indonesian territory.

In fact, after the Act of Free Choice (PEPERA), which was held by the United Nations in 1969, it is undeniable that Papua is part of Indonesian territory.

So, any movement to separate Papua from Indonesia, including any foreign interference, should be categorized as a rebellion movement that must be eradicated.

Horrendous news blows in from Australia. The news published by Fairfax Media in The Canberra Times mentions a secret report of the Papuan separatist written by the Indonesian Military elite unit, Kopassus. The report claims that the existence of armed groups is on alert for guerrilla warfare. The report revealed that the group had only one weapon for every 10 people.

Even more worrisome, the report is based on an extensive surveillance operation within the Papua Special Autonomy area.

This report also contains documents about the key figures in the Papuan independence movement. The report also revealed a number of names of politicians, academics, journalists, social workers and religious leaders from around the world who support the separatist movement in Papua.

Among them were US Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, British Parliament member Andrew Smith and former Papua New Guinea prime minister Michael Somare.

The rise of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) must be addressed with caution. It is known that in order to smooth their goals to detach from the Indonesian Republic, OPM is also gathering support from abroad, one of which is British.

The International Parliamentary for West Papua (IPWP) was launched at the House of Commons, London, England on Oct. 15, 2008. Their aim is to support the right to self-determination for the Papuans. The IPWP is also supported by two members of the British Parliament, Andrew Smith MP and Lord Harries.

Those two parliamentary members also seem to keep in touch with Benny Wenda, one of the main figures behind the liberation movement of West Papua. Benny Wenda also claimed himself to be the West Papuan independence leader.

To that end, the Indonesian government is expected to call the British ambassador to Indonesia. One of the causes for the emergence of the Free Papua Organization Movement was the initiative of one individual member of the British Parliament. There is a member of the British Parliament who facilitates the conference for the International Parliamentary for West Papua (IPWP) in England. Ironically, Britain should be the one country that is friendly toward Indonesia.

Tony Nasution

Commentaar webmaster: Tony gaat in de tweede alinea al de fout in.